Sunday, June 28, 2009

Still here

We are still here. We've been busy, but mostly we've had LOTS of computer issues. (UGH) I just haven't had the patience to wait for this slow computer to upload photos and such. :)

We are having a great summer so far. The kids are doing great in swimming lessons. Hopefully this is the last year for O and G. O is still in gymnastics and LOVING it. G has been doing a basketball camp. So cute to watch him try so hard. I love seeing him get better and having fun! We took a little day trip to Sedona to hike around for a while with Danny and Julee and their ADORABLE little girls. Tons of fun--pics to come if I can get this computer to start behaving itself. We also got to visit with family at our nieces birthday party in Anthem. It is always so fun to see family. We are lucky Julee and Danny are such fun party planners and can get us together!!!!

I was most sad about our computer last week for Father's day. I had a father's day blog all planned out, and it just wasn't happening, but I do want to say I'm so grateful to Ryan. He's the best hubby and Dada ever! I could spend all night listing why, but Seth sleeps in our office and I think I'm starting to wake him up so I'll be brief....Here are some random reasons Ryan rocks as the Daddy around here....
-He is forever patient with me and the kids...(just don't touch his
-He loves to do fun stuff together as a family and is REALLY good at planning vacations
-He is a great example to all of us
-He lets me vent when I need to....anyone who knows me knows that doesn't happen too much, but he knows better. :) lol
-He plays with the kids
-He tells the most creative/educational stories. A typical car ride might include topics on volts vs. amps, the viscosity of stuff, electricity...more specifically how not to WASTE electricity etc.
-He takes me to the temple
-He tells jokes and fixes stuff (inside joke just for Ryan hee hee)
Anyway, thanks for everything Sweets, I love you!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Last week we went on vacation. It was WONDERFUL to escape with the family and get away from everything for a few days. HUGE thanks to Ryans mom and dad for coming with us. They ended up being SO MUCH HELP. I don't know if we could have done it with out them, plus hurray for fun company to enjoy it with!!!

We left Monday morning and drove and drove and drove.....etc Tuesday we went to the Sequoia National Park. We went on some hikes and saw some awesomely HUGE TREES! We even got to see a tiny baby bear and then its mom came out too. That was so cool to see. They weren't even that far away and no fences between us like a zoo. Just us and the bears. (A little scary too, but mostly just awesome:) Wednesday and Thursday we went to Yosemite National Park. This was amazing as well. We went on hikes again and saw more awesomeness. The kiddos were so great on the hikes. The next day when all of us grown ups were SO SORE the kiddos were bouncing around same as always. That made me feel really old because I was definitely NOT bouncing around. lol So fun to get away, so NOT FUN to do the laundry aftermath, but totally worth it.
Heres some (many many pics) of our fun...

Next up....NEW YORK!!!!