Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's day to my sweet hubby! Here are a few thoughts about Ryan...

A-Attitude, He has a great one
P-Patience, its a prerequisite at our house. :)
P-Phoenix Suns fan
Y-Yes, I'm super glad I married him!

A-Active, always up for adventure
T-Tall, he reaches high things for me and never complains about it
E-Eternity, that's how long he's ours
S-Star Wars toys, he has some awesome ones, and he lets the kids play with them all. :)

Y-You are awesome, and we love you!!!!!

Thanks for being the best hubby and daddy!

1 comment:

melynde said...

Haha! This is great! I love it!!! Especially the Star Wars toys! :)