Thursday, April 2, 2009

Isaac's face + really big rock = ...

GUILT for me, and a HUGE bonk for my little guy.
Shortly after dinner Isaac came in crying. I gave him a hug, and told him to he could rest on the couch if he was tired of playing outside. Because he was crying I really couldn't understand what he was saying. Something about a ball and his face...Grant and Isaac fight pretty much daily over this little ball they like to throw up in the air and then kick it, so I thought this was just another fight. He looked fine to me and so I really didn't pay it much attention after that. So many times I've thought about buying another ball so they'd each have one but I don't because either 1. they will fight over who gets the "new" ball, or 2. I feel like I'm rewarding their fighting with a new toy. So I've kind of been waiting to get two new balls when I catch them doing a good job sharing. ANYWAY, I assumed it was another tantrum over the little ball.
(Side note...both Grant and Isaac were extremely dirty. One of the dirtiest I've ever seen for them. And they were only playing out in the drive way, no mud or anything--time to hose down the driveway I guess. I didn't say anything about it because I knew they'd play outside 'til bath time so let em' have fun and get a little dirty. That is why I never saw his giant ouchie.)
That was the last of it 'til I came into the bathroom to get after Isaac because he was taking so long in the shower. That was when I saw his face CLEAN and his HUGE goose egg and bruises. He was standing in there crying because Ryan saw it a little earlier and thought he didn't wash his face and sent him back to the shower to finish. I felt SO BAD. Poor little guy. He tried to tell us and we didn't listen. When we asked him what happened the crying started again, so we finally got Grant to tell us the story...
They were playing NICELY together and then got the ball stuck up in our tree. They tried to get it down with a stick, but it was too short. So Grant grabbed the biggest rock he could find to throw straight up over them to try and knock the ball down. So the ball is still in the tree and the rock found Isaac's face on the way down. OUCHIE!!! Nobody did anything wrong, just an accident, and a poor little kid who didn't get any more than a quick hug for it. I LOVE motherhood more than I can ever say, but GUILT I really think I could do without!!!
I tried to get a shot of how much his forehead bonk protruded, but these were the best I could get with our bad lighting. They are even more colorful today!

By the time I took this picture he was feeling a little more loved and started having fun with it. He was asking me if he should look sad or smile for the picture. I told him he could do whatever he wanted. This was the face he came up with. lol


Anonymous said...

Oh My! So sad!!!

Julee said...

Oh, poor little guy!! I hate to see these little kids get hurt! You are such a good mommy...I probably would have done the same thing with all of the dirt on their faces!! What a funny/cute face Isaac decided to do though!! lol

melinda said...

Aww--how sad, what a cute little pout though! That's boys for ya--don't feel too guilty;)