Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Isaac

While I have been on a blog vacation, my sweet Isaac turned six. He had a pirate themed birthday with krispy kremes for breakfast. In honor of Isaac turning six, here are six fun facts about Isaac...

1. Isaac is super scrappy--we love that about him.
2. Isaac has his own pronunciation for many words i.e. BAZOMBIES (zombies) RENUKE (nuke) CURRICULUM (kryptonite) KABOOZLE (kazoo)...I could go on :)
3. Isaac is very responsible with his glasses. He puts them away at night, and likes to wash them.
4. Isaac is a snuggle bug--LOVE IT!!!
5. Isaac is excited almost all the time.
6. Isaac is fearless. :)
Not the best quality on the pictures I know, but you have to have the age on the fingers shot.

We love our Isaac man. You are growing up SO FAST!

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