Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Last Recital

Last week I had my last recital for an indefinite amount of time. (I'm thinking when the baby is on his mission, my kids and nieces and nephews are an exception though.) With my kids in school, I just don't want to teach any more. I missed them all day and want to be with them after school, and not teaching other peoples kids. I have to say though that my students were awesome and I'll miss them, but its nice to just be a mom for a while. Grant didn't want to be in the recital this year (and I think 5 year olds should have a choice) so here is Olivia. She played one song and then sang a song too. She did so awesome. I'm so proud of her!!!!!


Rubalcavas said...

It looks like she is going to be very talented like her mom! Let me know what happens with the baby.

Marie said...

Cute pics. Please call me if you need any spider smashing done while your hubby is gone. I'll send John :-).

Julee said...

Oh I wish I could have been there!!! You need to tell me about these things!! lol Lorianne was bragging about it for forever!! You are the most amazing and talented person I know!!! Seriously!!! I bet Olivia did a beautiful job!!! When does she have her next performance like for dance or something? We would love to come!! :)